• ميزة
    ChinShine الشركة قد احتلت في البحث والتطوير والإنتاج من الماس أدوات حجرية & صناعة الخرسانة لأكثر من 20 عاما وقد بنيت سمعة ممتازة في جميع أنحاء العالم. في عرض للقوة الضخمة التي أدوات الماس مقاومة أثناء الاستخدام, جودة عالية الماس, الكوبالت و مسحوق المعادن تستخدم جنبا إلى جنب مع معدات متفوقة من ألمانيا. ChinShine حققت رفيع المستوى في السوق ، وخلق خط كامل من الماس الأدوات بما في ذلك الماس رأى ريش ، قطاعات الماس, الماس طحن كأس عجلة الماس شهد سلك الماس الحفر الأساسية بت, منصات تلميع الماس ملموسة قطع الماس&طحن أدوات والمزيد من المهنية الأخرى الحجر أدوات القطع, أدوات طحن, أدوات جلخ وتلميع الأدوات. المزايا الرئيسية: مرنة ومريحة. فريق المبيعات مع وفرة المنتج تجربة ماجستير في تكنولوجيا معينة يمكن التواصل أسهل مع العملاء ومنحهم المزيد من المشورة المهنية. المهندسين ذوي الخبرة والعمال تمكين ChinShine لتزويد العملاء المختلفة صنع الأدوات التي صممت وفقا كائنات التطبيق والاحكام. تملك دعما كبيرا من المؤسسات البحثية المحلية والجامعات. لدينا اتصالات جيدة مع معهد الفيزياء لسنوات والعلم كفاءة طرق عرض الإنتاج. خدمة العملاء; ردود فعل سريعة ؛ نوعية مركزة. الثناء على نطاق واسع من المشترين مصادقة نوعية كبيرة. نظام مراقبة الجودة مقالات ذات صلة: 1. كيف الناس التعليق على ChinShine الماس الأدوات ؟ 2. لماذا شراء أدوات الماس من ChinShine? 3. ChinShine تقديم الدعم الفني المجاني و المهنية خدمة ما بعد البيع.
  • مشروع وشهادة
    مشروع وشهادة
    شهادة وتعليقات من العملاء في جميع أنحاء العالم. تعرف على منتجات chinshine ، تعرف على الحالات الناجحة.
  • دعم فني
    دعم فني
    مع سنوات من الدراسة الصعبة وأعلى جودة مسحوق المعادن والماس فريك ،  لقد عمل فنيونا المتمرسون على مئات الناضجين

Xiamen ChinShine Industry and Trade Corporation (ChinShine Diamond Tools Co., Ltd.)- crackerjack الخاص بك شريك في تكنولوجيا معالجة المواد الصلبة! كقائد الصانع والموزع من أدوات الماس عالية الجودة ، ونحن نقدم جميع  المشغلين في مجال الحجر مع حلول دقيقة وفعالة ل أعمال البناء المختلفة مثل قطع ، طحن وتلميع الجرانيت ،  الرخام والخرسانة والحجر الجيري والحجر الرملي والبازلت وغيرها كانت الشركة تأسست في عام 2001 على أساس المعرفة العميقة من الحجر والخرسانة والسوبر الثابت المواد.

نعتقد أن هناك دائما مجالا لتحسين الجودة. سنواصل رفع مستوى الإنتاج والخدمات لصناعة أدوات الماس بأكملها. أدوات الماس لدينا تستخدم على نطاق واسع في جميع أنواع الحقول الحجرية والخرسانية. جميع البحوث & amp؛ إن تطوير الأدوات والحل مستوحى من تجربة آلاف المستخدمين في جميع أنحاء العالم ، وهؤلاء الأشخاص هم أساتذة الجامعات ومقاولو البناء وأصحاب المحاجر والمشرفون على مصانع الحجر. نحن فخورون بتوفير قطع الماس & دقيقة وعالية الكفاءة والبيئية أدوات طحن لصناعات الخرسانة والأرضيات والحجر والبناء!

قراءة المزيد
شريك crackerjack الخاص بك في تكنولوجيا معالجة المواد الصلبة
منتجات مميزة
لدينا مجموعة كاملة من أدوات الماس مع الحدة الكبيرة والكفاءة العالية والعمر الطويل في العمل.
  • رأى الماس شفرة

    شفرة المنشار الماسي ، والتي تسمى أيضًا شفرة قطع الماس ، فإن شفرة المنشار الماسي هي المنتج الرئيسي الذي يشغل أكثر من 70٪ من حجم مبيعاتنا من أدوات الماس. يتم تصدير شفرات المنشار الماسية الخاصة بنا إلى أوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأمريكا إلى حد كبير ، وأكثر من 100 دولة تشتري شفرة المنشار الماسي من chinshine . شفرات المنشار الماسية لدينا قابلة للتطبيق على أي نوع من الأحجار (مثل الجرانيت والرخام والحجر الرملي والأردواز) والمحاجر والخرسانة والإسفلت والزجاج والبلاط الخزفي ومواد البناء الأخرى.

    هناك أكثر من 50000 مصنع للحجر في تشيوانتشو ، تشيوانتشو هي أهم منطقة تجارة وإنتاج حجرية في الصين ، يمكنك معرفة جميع أنواع الأحجار والجرانيت والرخام هنا. نحن المورد الرئيسي لأشكال المنشار الماسي لمصنع الأحجار الشهير هذا: أفضل مجموعة من الأحجار المبتهجة ، أحجار wan li ، وما إلى ذلك.

    وفقا لقطر ومواد القطع من النصل ، ونحن تصنيف شفرات الماس في الفئة التالية

    شفرة قطع الجرانيت ، شفرة قطع الرخام ، شفرة قطع الحجر ، شفرة قطع ملموسة ، قرص قطع الماس الصغيرة

    بسبب جودة مستقرة وأسعار تنافسية ، كنا نبحث عن وكلاء في مختلف البلدان والمناطق. نرحب الشركات القوية لتقديم طلب للحصول على الاعتراف من وكلاء المنطقة.

    Diamond saw blade manufacturer
    عرض الكل
  • قطعة الماس

    بحاجة إلى قطع الماس للخرسانة؟ من فضلك اضغط

    حذاء طحن الماس ( قطعة طحن) أو قطعة بت الماس الأساسية

    من أجل خفض التكلفة وتجنب الهدر ، يشتري الكثير من الناس قطع الماس ويلحمونها على شفرة المنشار فارغة. وفقًا لأنواع المقاطع ، هناك مقطع ساندويتش ، ومقطع متعدد الطبقات ومقطع منظم بشكل منظم (مقطع الماس arix) ، تم تصميم كل نوع للحجر التفاضلي أو المواد الأخرى لتقليل تكلفة القطعة وزيادة كفاءة القطع.

    قطاعات الماس لدينا (نصائح الماس) قابلة للتطبيق على الحجر الصلب مثل الجرانيت والرخام والموقع الإنشائي ومواد البناء مثل الخرسانة والأسفلت والطوب والخزف والزجاج الخاص والمواد المقاومة للحريق ، ويمكن استخدامه أيضًا لطحن الخرسانة والحجر والمواد الصلبة الأخرى .

    يرجى إعلامنا بأحجام قطعة الماس / الحافة ، وقطر اللب الفارغ ومواد القطع. لدينا قسم التطوير والبحوث الخاصة ، يقوم الفنيون لدينا بتخصيص الصيغة الأكثر suitalbe وفقًا لمتطلبات المستخدم.

    رقم العنصر.
    ضياء الخارجي. حجم المقطع الجزء رقم. كائن / مواد ملحوظة
    (مم) lxwxh (مم) (قطعة)
    qxds400 400 40x3.4x10 / 12/15/20 28/29 الجرانيت والرخام والبازلت والحجر الرملي والخرسانة والأسفلت يرجى إعلامنا بأداة القطع ، القطر & أمبير ؛ ارتفاع المقطع ، وذلك بفضل.
    qxds1200 1200 24x7.6 / 6.5x13 / 15/20 80
    qxds1600 1600 24x9.4 / 8.4x15 / 20 108
    qxds2000 2000 24x10.6 / 9.8x15 / 20 128
    qxds2500 2500 24x11.5 / 10.5x15 / 20 140
    qxds3000 3000 24x12.5 / 11.5x15 / 20 160
    * حجم يتراوح من 300 ملم إلى 4 500 ملم ، المواصفات الأخرى متوفرة عند الطلب.


    نحن الشركة المصنعة المسؤولة ودائما صارمة لجودتنا ، نحافظ على ضمان الجودة. إذا لم يكن العملاء راضين عن الجودة أو عمرها ، فيمكننا عمل مجموعة أخرى من الشرائح لك مجانًا ، سيتم تعديل صيغة الشريحة الجديدة وفقًا لنتيجة الاختبار وتلبية العملاء.

    diamond segment manufacturer

    عرض الكل
أحدث الأخبار
لدينا مجموعة كاملة من أدوات الماس مع الحدة الكبيرة والكفاءة العالية والعمر الطويل في العمل.

2024 Xiamen Stone Fair

Xiamen ChinShine Industry and Trade Corporation, Quanzhou Dinosaw Machinery Technology Co., Ltd are pleased to extend our warmest invitation to you to attend the upcoming 2024 Xiamen Stone Fair, which will be held from March 16th to 19th, 2024. Our booth, number B3001, will showcase our latest and most innovative products in the diamond tool and stone machinery. As a leading manufacturer and developer of diamond saw blades, diamond segments, diamond wire saw, diamond grinding cup wheels, diamond core drill bit, diamond blades, we are excited to share our latest products and innovations with you. Our products are known for their high quality, stability, sharpness, and long lifespan, which make them the perfect solution for any cutting or grinding in stone and concrete application. During the exhibition, we hope to establish a good cooperation relationship with you, and we welcome you to visit our booth to learn more about our products and services. We are also excited to explore possible cooperation opportunities with you, and we encourage you to communicate with us during the exhibition to discuss any potential collaborations. We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for your attention and participation, and we look forward to meeting you at the fair. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at sales@csdiamondtools.com. We will be happy to assist you in any way we can. Thank you for your consideration, and we hope to see you soon. Sincerely, ChinShine Sales Deartment I.
Mar 01, 2024

Hit by COVID wave, companies in China strain to keep operations running normally

From e-commerce giant JD.com to cosmetics brand Sephora, companies in China are rushing to minimise the impact of surging COVID infections - doling out test kits, encouraging more work from home and, in some cases, procuring truckloads of medicine. After unprecedented protests against oft-draconian COVID curbs, the world's second-largest economy abruptly dropped its zero-tolerance COVID stance last week. The ensuing fierce spread of the virus has even forced certain businesses to shut their doors for the time being.  "More than half of our staff in the mall and the hotel are positive," said a senior executive at a firm that manages one of Beijing's largest retail complexes.  The executive, who declined to be identified, said the mall was still open with remaining staff splitting into two teams and only one team working a particular shift.  JD.com which is headquartered in Beijing and employs more than 540,000 people, has sent antigen test kits to its staff and is asking those who are sick to stay home, sources at the company told Reuters. At Sephora China, which has 321 stores across 89 cities on the mainland, each store is handling their staffing issues in accordance with their situation, said a spokesperson for the LVMH brand, adding that all staff testing positive will be given paid leave and can work from home if possible. 'DEEPLY FRUSTRATING' At another Beijing shopping centre, a gym belonging to the U.S. Powerhouse chain said on Tuesday it would be closed until Dec. 25 to disinfect the premises and to protect the safety of staff and members. "The spread of the virus is severe and there is a big risk of infection," said the gym. It had just reopened five days ago after having had to shut for more than two weeks due to district-wide COVID curbs. "It's deeply frustrating. Businesses are having to close due to staff being sick, even though they can legally be open," said Noah Fraser, Beijing-based managing director at the Canada-China Business Council. "Blame is starting to flow from companies' (foreign) headquarters to the team on the ground in China, with HQ asking ‘why can’t the China operations navigate these restrictions?’ All other markets have had to adjust and did so successfully," he said. Some factories and eateries are retaining COVID-19 curbs, including so-called closed-loop systems that isolate staff from the wider world, until they get a clearer picture of just how workplaces will be affected. At Volkswagen, which has seen its plants in China heavily disrupted by lockdowns this year, production is currently stable but the automaker has reduced office attendance and is asking staff to stay 1.5 metres apart whenever possible, a spokesperson said. Chinese electric vehicle maker Nio also said its production was normal, although it is bracing for infections. "We have sent trucks of medicines and equipment to the factory to be well prepared," Nio's president Qin Lihong told a media roundtable on Monday. National health of...
Dec 20, 2022

The 22nd China Xiamen International Stone Fair Confirms the New Date on Jul. 30-Aug. 2, 2022

Dear Exhibitors, Visitors and Partners, We are happy to announce that the 22nd China Xiamen International Stone Fair is confirmed to be held on Jul. 30 - Aug. 2, 2022 in Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center (XICEC). In this blooming summer, you will find new trends of stone industry, diamond tools and stone machinery through product,technology and design presented by leading manufacturers and world-famous brands. The 5 featured events: Global Master Architects Forum, Xiamen Habitat Design & Life Festival, Stone Infinite Product Design Show, Launch Out @XSF and World Stone Congress will be concurrently held, discussing hot topics and showing functional or avant-garde designs. The main products of ChinShine company are diamond saw blade, diamond segment, diamond core drill bits, diamond grinding cup wheel, diamond wire saw, diamond polishing pads, diamond cutting blades, etc. You are able to explore more about products and suppliers on Cloud Xiamen Stone Fair, the year-round operated online platform. Date: Jul. 30 - Aug. 2, 2022 Location: Xiamen International Conference & Exhibition Center, Fujian Province, China Booth No.:K046(Contact: Mr.Luke) Mobile Phone:0086-133-2887-5227 All the best, ChinShine Sales Dept II May 28, 2022 Related Articles: 1. Suggestions for all diamond tools clients-what you should do in the new cold war 2. LONG delivery time nowadays!!! 3. Visit ChinShine: Serbia Stone Expo in Belgrade,April 17-20,2019 4. Welcome to Visit us at Moscow Stone Industry International Exhibition B35 5. How people talking about ChinShine diamond cutting disks? 6. Why the diamond segments drop down?
May 28, 2022

2022 Labor Day Holiday Notice

Dear customers, Would you please be kindly noted that the ChinShine Corporation Sales Office will be closed for public holidays of the May Labor Day from 01-04 May 2022. Your inquiry phone call to 0086 0595 2288 5227 and email to sales@csdiamondtools.com may not be replied promptly during the captioned periods and we would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused if any. For urgent inquiry, please call 0086 133 2887 5227, you can expect reply in 24 hours. Your kind understanding is highly expected and appreciated. ChinShine Sales Department
Apr 28, 2022

Suggestions for all diamond tools clients-what you should do in the new cold war

Dear customers and friends, As the U.S. Federal Reserve continues to print a large number of money, inflation is severe, and the prices of raw materials (Diamond, steel, copper, tin, cobalt, etc. Diamond segment and diamond saw blade are made of these materials) and transportation costs continue to rise. At first, we thought that this situation would pass soon, but now, things may become more serious. The imminent economic crisis is not alarmist. The Chinese government has begun to restrict industrial electricity use, please let us tell you what this means. During the epidemic, most of the world's commodities were produced and exported from China. Now, the two countries with the largest economies in the world are fighting an economic war without gunpowder. China's restrictions on electricity use are restricting factory production and restricting the export of goods. Because the U.S. uses U.S. dollar hegemony to print a large amount of money, and our transactions basically use U.S. dollars. In this way, if China exports too much goods, it will damage the Chinese economy, and potential price increases are inevitable. This is in line with the purpose of the United States to suppress and restrict China's economic development. If this continues, perhaps the biggest problem soon is not the price increase and shipping costs, but the difficulty of getting the goods. Because our order production time will be much longer than usual, it may need to be extended by 50%-100%. Many factories in China now only allow electricity for 15 days a month. Therefore, if you need any products, please DO place an order immediately when things have not reached more serious point. When the crisis really comes and your competitors are out of stock, you have the stock. This will bring great protection. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous. We sincerely hope to help everyone who sees this news. Please pay attention and plan well in advance, and wish your business smoothly. Related Articles: 1. How ChinShine customers comment on diamond wire saw? 2. Why South Korean Companies are the Main Competitor Of China Diamond Saw Blades? 3. What is diamond saw blade for Dekton and Sintered stone Slabs? 4. Why should you buy diamond wires from ChinShine? 5. 6 tips for choosing a diamond core drill bit manufacturer 6.  How to improve the safety and cutting performance of diamond saw blades? 7. What is the diamond segment welding technique? How to weld diamond segments correctly?
Sep 28, 2021

LONG delivery time nowadays!!!

Due to global supply chain breakdowns, exorbitant shipping costs, clogged ports, emptying store shelves and rising inflation. All the ocean shipping time, air shipping time, land shipping time have been delayed, even you can't book the cargo in 2 weeks. Since the raw materials constantly rising, such as steel(steel blade blanks), diamond, cooper, etc. The diamond saw blade, diamond segments and other diamond tools are more expensive than before. The production time is longer than before as well, because orders are increased, steel is hard to source... Therefore, we strongly recommend customers place the orders earlier.
Sep 24, 2021

The Tips of Re-tipping Core Drill Bits

This artical tell you how to retip/weld diamond segments on core barrel. Worn out diamond core drill bit segment or damaged core drill bit do not always need throw away. Although ChinShine can't provide a re-tipping service at your side, we make diamond core drill bits, diamond segments and provide the silver solder, magnet holder, flux, and welding machine, so you can do the welding yourself.  We can make various diamond segments for fast, free drilling in concrete and stone, all kinds of bond and formula for your choice, such as arix diamond segments, dimple diamond segments, roof diamond segments, turbo segment..... The high quality polycrystalline diamonds ensure excellent drill speeds and footage. Before re-tipping, check the following: • Check the core bit thread to see if it is damaged • Check the barrel body to see if it is too thin or bend • Check the outside diameter of the barrel for roundness or damage If all these are serviceable, retipping is possible. Your core body can be brazed by your local saw doctor or sharpening outlet, or any engineering workshop that offers brazing services. If you want to re-tip diamond segments on core barrel by yourself, you will need these tools: Heat source, gas or high frequency welding machine Silver  welding Solder Flux Diamond Segments Magnetic welding holder Silver Solder: Use the right brazing rod or silver solder. You need silver solder rods, cadmium free, with 40% to 45% silver. One silver welding stick will usually do 10-20 segments, depending on your skill. Flux: A fluxing agent is required for all brazing jobs. The flux removes oxides from the base material and prevents oxidation during the heating process, thus enablng the free flow of the solder, you can find the cheap flux at your local market. Diamond Segments: Obviously, we make all kinds of premium quality diamond segments for your choice, such as arix , roof, turbo, dimple... . Here are the diamond segments quantity per core bit: When replacing segments, just count how many you need. For crown segments, we just need an accurate diameter of the crown. You will then need to pick the style of segment you want: 1. Remove remaining diamond segments if replacing all segments (use heat and pliers to melt the solder), otherwise check existing segments if replacing lost segments only. 2. Carefully clean the barrel welding surface with an angle grinder. 3. Gently clean the bottom and end surfaces of the segments a little with a 100/120 grit grinding wheel. Try not to expose any diamonds  as this will reduce the strength of the brazing, possibly with the risk of segment loss. 4. Add flux to the brazing surfaces of the diamond segments and the barrel and let dry. 5. Check the thickness of the segments and put your brazing magnet tools on the inside of the core. Choose the magnet setting so that the segment clearance on the outside will be about twice the clearance on the inside. This normally means using a 0.5mm magnet clearance wh...
Oct 09, 2023

Laser welding diamond saw blade manufacturing process

Laser welded diamond saw blades are the main type of diamond saw blades for cutting reinforced concrete in the professional market, and people comes from large engineering construction field. ChinShine laser welded diamond saw blades have the advantages of good welding quality, small weld seam, narrow laser beam focus area, and precise effect on the interface between the steel core and the diamond segment. That is why the advantage of ChinShine laser welding diamond saw blade no deformation of the steel core after laser welding. ChinShine laser welded diamond saw blade production process: 1. Test each batch of powder provided by the famous manufacturer, and use them only after meeting the strict requirements. 2. Mix powders of different proportions (iron powder, cobalt powder, nickel powder, copper powder...) evenly, granulate them into small particles. 3. Put the powder and diamonds into the automatic cold press machine. Cold press the powder into different diamond segment shapes according to the mold. 4. Fully automatic sintering machine hot-press sintered segments. 5. We weld our diamond segments to the steel core to make complete saw blades, laser weld diamond blades from diameter 115 mm to 2000 mm. Pay attention to the following items during laser welding. Select the focal length to ensure that the laser energy is focused on welding. Adjust welding power and speed, both must match each other. 6. The diamond saw blade is edged, and the sides and edges of the saw blade need to be edged. 7. The post-processing of the saw blade steel core is mainly to polish and paint the steel core to prevent future rust. 8. According to customer requirements, mark the use direction according to the cutting edge direction, printing customer or ChinShine logo, printing waring information on blade. 9. After all the diamond saw blades pass the inspection, they are put into boxes and wooden boxes. ChinShine – a professional manufacturer of diamond saw blades, if you want to know more about diamond saw blades, please feel free to tell us!
Jan 03, 2023

The tips of diamond wire saw types and application - how to choose the right diamond wire for your concrete

ChinShine offers a large selection of diamond wire saw rope developed for cutting a wide range of materials such as concrete, stone, reinforced concrete, underwater steel/pipe cutting in a variety of industries. There is basically no limit towards the depth or shape of a wire saw application. Our diamond wire saw rope function well with all wire saw types on the market. We offer various types of diamond wires that has different diamond densities and diamond bead diameters including vacuum brazed, double bead vacuum brazed and sintered options. Ideal to use vacuum brazed diamond wire saw rope; ChinShine professional-grade diamond wires with vacuum-brazed beads are engineered to cut through steel, alloy and heavily reinforced concrete. Vacuum brazed diamond wires have been developed for intense professional use in specialist applications such as heavy reinforced concrete cutting, underwater steel and pipe cutting, offshore/nuclear cuttings etc. It can be very aggressive cutting with high wire tension and it provides maximum cutting speed and improved wear resistance in heavy cutting. Vacuum brazed diamond wire Ideal to use sintered diamond wire saw rope; ChinShine premium sintered diamond wire saw rope is designed to provide a good balance of lifetime and cutting speed. General purpose sintered diamond wire is made for handling all types of concrete/reinforced concrete cutting applications such as demanding demolition, building, and renovation work, among others. It performs best with medium- to high-powered wire saws. ChinShine  sintered wires feature at least 40 beads per meter for the longest wire lifespan possible. It is ideal diamond wire for cutting concrete and stone. Diamond wire saw rope is available in a variety of types, each with specific advantages and ideal usage scenarios depending on the nature of the project, the variables affecting the formation of diamond wire segment, and its individual features. Diamond wire saw cutters differ from others, such as the bandsaw, by using abrasion instead of saw diamond teeth. Thanks to the hardness of diamonds, the abrasion technique can be used to cut through almost any material that is softer than the diamond abrasive. The process also produces less kerf and wasted materials when compared with conventional solid blades. The wire cutter also allows circular cutting on all sides, preventing the wire from getting pinched and is therefore an effective method of resisting compressive forces while cutting a wide range of materials. Vacuum Brazed Beads To improve the quality of the braze bond, vacuum brazed beads are produced in a brazing oven. The braze, often known as "paste" is a combination of various metal alloys. Some titanium alloys are used in active brazing, that when cured produces carbides. Vacuum brazed diamond beads is a brazing method that fixes the diamond powder on the bead matrix. This method is more environment friendly compared to electroplated wires which causes pollution. Vac...
Dec 27, 2022

What is the difference between laser welded and silver welded diamond saw blades?

Laser welded diamond saw blade and silver welded diamond saw blades(brazed) are designed for professional user who requires superhard materials and regular cutting of a wide range of hard and abrasive materials, such as building materials, marble, granite, concrete ,asphalt, brick, quartz, limestone,and more natural stones and so on. What is Silver Welded Diamond Saw Blades? Silver welded diamond saw blades are also known as high frequency welded diamond saw blades, you can also call it brazed diamond saw blade. The diamond segments and the steel core are rigidly welded together by silver welding solders. The solders melt under high temperature by a high frequency welding machine. Diamond segments on blade core is replaceable,it means after the diamond segments wear off, you can weld new diamond segments on blade core once more. That is why they are more economical than the laser welded diamond blades. Silver welded diamond blades are use in Stone industry mostly. Large diameter available only, usually from dia. 250mm to 4000mm. Silver welded diamond saw blades is more economic than laser welding blades. Silver welded diamond saw blade Laser Welded Diamond Saw Blades Laser welded diamond blades are made by the most advance and highly automatic laser welding technology. Diamond segments are firmly welded to the steel core by laser micro-fusion. Laser welded diamond saw blades are the most powerful diamond blades for they heavy tough bonding, excellent stability, fast cutting and durable life. After the diamond segments wear off, the blade core can't be used for welding once more. They even have an extraordinary performance on dry cutting without segment dropping. The most advantage for laser welding blades is SAFE, the diamond segments not easy drop down during cutting. Different materials and purpose of use require different diamond density, type of diamond segments and even type of slots. General purpose: Better use laser welded diamond blades, they are used for cutting tiles, bricks, concrete blocks, slates, stones or other building materials. People use handheld saw machine mostly. Laser welded blade can protect the users in case of injury by the dropping segments. Concrete: Better use laser welding diamond blades. For cutting concrete, reinforced concrete, wall cutting, new and fresh concrete, asphalt and other hard and non-abrasive materials. Please click concrete cutting blades...... Natural Stones: Better use silver welded diamond saw blades, most of blades are used on bride saw machine or other heavy saw machine. Such as marble, granite, limestone, sandstone, etc. Laser welding diamond blades Related Articles: 1.Solutions for diamond saw blade problems -Tips & Troubleshooting 2.How to maintain the diamond saw blade? 3.What is the affection on distance of diamond segments? 4.How to improve the safety and cutting performance of diamond saw blades? 5.How people talking about ChinShine diamond cutting disks? 6. Why the diamond segments dr...
Oct 30, 2021

What is the advantage of ChinShine diamond saw blade?

ChinShine diamond tools corporation has been occupied in research, development and production of diamond saw blade for stone and concrete industry for over 20 years and has built excellent reputation around the world. In view of huge force which diamond tools have to resist during utilization, the high quality diamond and metal powder is used, together with superior equipments from Dr.Fritsch in Germany. ChinShine has achieved a high-level diamond tools into the market, creating a full line of tools including diamond saw blade, diamond blades for concrete, diamond segments, diamond wire saw,diamond core drill bit, diamond grinding cup wheel , diamond polishing pads, diamond fickert block and other professional stone cutting tools, grinding tools, abrasive tools and polishing tools. The diamond saw blade is made of diamond segment and steel blade core. Diamond saw blade is used for cutting granite ,marble, concrete, ceramic ,natural stone and other super hard materials. The cutting efficiency of diamond saw blade is high and this type of diamond saw blade has a longer service life than similar products. Welcome new and old customers to call for advisory negotiate. This type of diamond saw blade is produced by high-strength HD series of Yellow River single crystal diamond and high-quality metal matrix ( such as Cu, Co, Ni, Ti, Wu - Fe, etc.). After mature design, cold pressing molding and sintering processing, a high-quality diamond saw blade is finished. The advantage of ChinShine diamond saw blade: 1. High-strength diamond is able to decrease, diamond breakage rate of diamond saw blade in the work of the cutting tools. It also can increase the bite force. The sharpness of the cutting tools, cutting speed and the efficiency are high. 2. High-quality metal matrix is able to hold diamond hard, It also can reduce the rate of falling off while the diamond saw blade is cutting. The diamond segment  has a good wear-resisting coefficient and ChinShine diamond saw blade has a longer service life. 3. According to the working of diamond saw blade, the diamond segments are designed as M type, W Shape, turbo shape, Arix aero, cobalt segment, Roof Type, etc. which can enhance the cutting stability of the diamond saw blade and make the blade not wandering in the work. 4. Mature production technology and strict quality control make each batch of diamond saw blade produced by ChinShine factory meet all customer requirements. Related Articles: 1.Solutions for diamond saw blade problems -Tips & Troubleshooting 2.How to maintain the diamond saw blade? 3.What is the affection on distance of diamond segments? 4.How to improve the safety and cutting performance of diamond saw blades? 5.How people talking about ChinShine diamond cutting disks? 6. Why the diamond segments drop down?
Oct 05, 2021

The principle of diamond wire saw cutting

In the 1990’s, in order to solve the processing problem of large size silicon wafer, jigsaw machining technology are widely used to cut large size silicon wafer into blocks and pieces in the international marketing. Early jigsaw machining technology applied bare wire and free abrasive. In the process of machining, the free abrasive are added into wire and mechanical parts as the third party to cut. This technique is successfully used in processing of silicon and silicon carbide. In order to further shorten processing time, as well as on other hard material and ceramic, diamond abrasive will be fixed to a metal wire in a certain way, which compose a fixed diamond wires saw. As shown in figure, cutting lines with high-speed reciprocating motion drive the slurry to the cutting area, which makes the abrasive particles (SiC particles) in the mortar and the surface of silicon rod make high speed grinding. Because the abrasive particles have very sharp edges and its hardness is greater than the hardness of silicon rods, the contact area of silicon rod and diamond wires saw are grinded out gradually by mortar. Thus the effect of cutting will be achieved, and meanwhile the mortar also can take away a lot of hot produced in the grinding. In the process of cognition of diamond wire saw cutting mechanism, many researchers believe that the micro cutting movement of diamond grits is a scroll and embedded process. They put forward the "scroll - embedded" model. ChinShine reachers put forward diamond wire sawing force drives on the abrasive grits rolling along the cutting surface, squeezing and embedded abrasive cutting surface at the same time. Consequently there is a flake piece of chip and surface crack, forming the big cutting function. ChinShine researchers pointed out that in "scroll - embedded" model, the particle movement also includes scratches, in addition to the rolling and embedded. All three work together for cutting. Bhagavat and some researchers considered the effect of pulping in this model and believe that the diamond saw wire leads free abrasive cutting silicon ingot of small area, and the movement of diamond wires saw and grinding pulping form a elastic fluid dynamic environment. They can use the finite element method (fem) to analysis the elastic fluid dynamics model of diamond wires saw and silicon ingot to get the function of diamond wire walking speed, viscosity of grinder and cutting conditions. Then they draw the conclusion: pulping film thickness is greater than the average particle size, is the flow of the abrasive cutting. Related Articles: 1.How ChinShine customers comment on diamond wire saw? 2.Why South Korean Companies are the Main Competitor Of China Diamond Saw Blades? 3.The Principle of Diamond Wires Cutting from China Diamond Wires Saw Suppliers? 4.Why should you buy diamond wires from ChinShine? 5.ChinShine Quarry diamond wire saw for granite marble 6. 12mm Rubber Spring diamond wire for granite stone quarry
Jun 02, 2021
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